Classroom Layout

The layout of my classroom will be conducive to what is best for student learning. I would like my students to be facing the front of the classroom so that they are able to all see the smart board/whiteboard during instruction (Wong & Wong, 2009). I would also like the students to be able to easily move their desks to sit in groups as well, since I know that it is important for students to work together. This is why I will have them sitting in groups of two, enabling them to turn and face the group behind them, forming groups of four when appropriate to do so.

I would like to leave space at the front of the classroom where I can place a meeting rug, so that when I do read-alouds, or want to change up my direct instruction, we have the space to do so, and still have access to the white/smart board.

I want to create a comfy reading area for my class as well. I want my students to discover a love a reading, and I think giving them a comfortable place to do so will help nurture this. I want to have bookshelves where they can pick out their “just right books” whenever they finish the book they are on.

My teacher desk will be in a place where I will be able to have a constant eye on the class. It will be in close proximity to the students so that when I need to get involved in any management tasks, I am not far away.

classroom layout 2


Wong H.K. & Wong R.T. (2009). The first days of school: how to be an effective teacher. Mountainview: CA, Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.