Sample Lesson

Sample Lesson Plan:

Sample Lesson Plan

There are many aspects of this sample lesson that reflect good attributes of an effective lesson plan and what I would like to emulate as a teacher. This lesson begins with an attention grabber as the teacher plays the students a song. This is a great way to grab the students’ attention because it is something that is out of the their normal context of learning. They then must read the lyrics and work together to decipher the meaning of the song. This is a good pre-assessment tool, because the teacher gets to know how well the students understand what it means to find the meaning of something. Throughout the lesson, the teacher gives students the opportunity to talk and share their ideas, whether that be with the whole class or with a partner. The teacher then models what kinds of questions they need to be asking themselves to find the author’s purpose behind a text. The teacher then gives the students the opportunity to practice this skill in groups, while also monitoring their progress. They are given informal assessments along the way to ensure they are understanding the concept. In the end, the students are formally assessed by writing on a sticky note why it is important to think about the author’s purpose. This is a great way for the teacher to see how each individual student is understanding the topic and it’s importance.

Characteristics of an Effective Lesson Plan:

  • Assess/evaluates prior knowledge
  • Includes an attention grabber- something that will peak student’s interest
  • Utilizes informal and formal assessments to ensure students are engaging and learning (Wong & Wong, 2009)
  • Gives students opportunity to work together in partners or in groups
  • Involved students movement in the classroom
  • Teaches students how they can apply what they have learned in the classroom to the real world they live in
  • Teacher engages in a variety of teaching methods to help diverse student learning
  • Teacher has clear expectations for student success (Wong & Wong, 2009).

Works Cited

Wong H.K. & Wong R.T. (2009). The first days of school: how to be an effective teacher. Mountainview: CA, Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.